Hello friends. Please keep in mind. English is NOT my first language. Please correct me when you reads wrong sentences. I really want to enhance my English.

 As Vulkan developer, you have probably seen VK_NO_PROTOTYPES at once. Where did you see this? The answer is Vulkan header file.

VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateInstance(
    const VkInstanceCreateInfo*                 pCreateInfo,
    const VkAllocationCallbacks*                pAllocator,
    VkInstance*                                 pInstance);

// ...

VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdExecuteCommands(
    VkCommandBuffer                             commandBuffer,
    uint32_t                                    commandBufferCount,
    const VkCommandBuffer*                      pCommandBuffers);

 VK_NO_PROTOTYPES is preprocessor directive. By default, Vulkan header file has definitions of all functions. It's very useful when we link with Vulkan loader library statically. But if you want to link with Vulkan loader library dynamically, must use VK_NO_PROTOTYPES preprocessor macro.

 So why dynamic linking is needed? Of course, you can save your linking but it's not enough. There is some reason. From my experience, dynamic linking is needed when you don't know the system supports Vulkan. For instance, you application can run on both OpenGL and Vulkan. You know Vulkan is better than OpenGL however some system doesn't support Vulkan. Thus before running your application, you need to check the system supports Vulkan or not.

constexpr auto kLibraryPath = "vulkan1-1.dll";

Library library(kLibraryPath);

if (library.IsLoaded())
    // Run on Vulkan
    // Run on OpenGL

 After checking your system supports Vulkan, we need to retrieves Vulkan loader functions. These functions allow us to create Vulkan instance.

    macro(vkGetInstanceProcAddr)                    \
    macro(vkCreateInstance)                         \


#define DEFINE_LOADER_FUNCTION_MACRO(function)      \
    PFN_##function function;

#define GET_LOADER_FUNCTION_MACRO(function)         \
    function = library.LoadSymbol<PFN_##function>(#function);


 This example shows how can you retrieves Vulkan loader functions.

 Now you can retrieves Vulkan instance functions. You can check what Vulkan hardware features are available and exposed from these functions.

#define APPLY_MACRO_TO_INSTANCE_CORE_FUNCTIONS(macro)            \
    macro(vkDestroyInstance)                                     \
    macro(vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices)                            \
    macro(vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures)                           \
    macro(vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties)                   \
    macro(vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties)              \
    macro(vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties)                         \
    macro(vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties)              \
    macro(vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties)                   \
    macro(vkGetDeviceProcAddr)                                   \

    macro(vkDestroySurfaceKHR)                                   \
    macro(vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR)                  \
    macro(vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR)             \
    macro(vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR)                  \

#define APPLY_MACRO_TO_INSTANCE_FUNCTIONS(macro)                 \
    APPLY_MACRO_TO_INSTANCE_CORE_FUNCTIONS(macro)                \

#define DEFINE_INSTANCE_FUNCTION_MACRO(function)                 \
    PFN_##function function;

#define GET_INSTANCE_FUNCTION_MACRO(function)                    \
    function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_##function>(loader.GetInstanceProcAddr(mHandle, #function));


 This example shows how can you retrieves Vulkan instance functions.

 Lastly you can retrieves Vulkan device functions. You can create Vulkan resources and record Vulkan commands from these functions.

#define APPLY_MACRO_TO_DEVICE_CORE_FUNCTIONS(macro)              \
    macro(vkDestroyDevice)                                       \
    macro(vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties)                  \
    macro(vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties)                      \
    macro(vkGetDeviceQueue)                                      \
    macro(vkQueueSubmit)                                         \
    macro(vkQueueWaitIdle)                                       \
    macro(vkDeviceWaitIdle)                                      \
    macro(vkAllocateMemory)                                      \
    macro(vkFreeMemory)                                          \
    macro(vkMapMemory)                                           \
    macro(vkUnmapMemory)                                         \
    macro(vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges)                             \
    macro(vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges)                        \
    macro(vkGetDeviceMemoryCommitment)                           \
    macro(vkBindBufferMemory)                                    \
    macro(vkBindImageMemory)                                     \
    macro(vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements)                         \
    macro(vkGetImageMemoryRequirements)                          \
    macro(vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements)                    \
    macro(vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties)        \
    macro(vkQueueBindSparse)                                     \
    macro(vkCreateFence)                                         \
    macro(vkDestroyFence)                                        \
    macro(vkResetFences)                                         \
    macro(vkGetFenceStatus)                                      \
    macro(vkWaitForFences)                                       \
    macro(vkCreateSemaphore)                                     \
    macro(vkDestroySemaphore)                                    \
    macro(vkCreateEvent)                                         \
    macro(vkDestroyEvent)                                        \
    macro(vkGetEventStatus)                                      \
    macro(vkSetEvent)                                            \
    macro(vkResetEvent)                                          \
    macro(vkCreateQueryPool)                                     \
    macro(vkDestroyQueryPool)                                    \
    macro(vkGetQueryPoolResults)                                 \
    macro(vkCreateBuffer)                                        \
    macro(vkDestroyBuffer)                                       \
    macro(vkCreateBufferView)                                    \
    macro(vkDestroyBufferView)                                   \
    macro(vkCreateImage)                                         \
    macro(vkDestroyImage)                                        \
    macro(vkGetImageSubresourceLayout)                           \
    macro(vkCreateImageView)                                     \
    macro(vkDestroyImageView)                                    \
    macro(vkCreateShaderModule)                                  \
    macro(vkDestroyShaderModule)                                 \
    macro(vkCreatePipelineCache)                                 \
    macro(vkDestroyPipelineCache)                                \
    macro(vkGetPipelineCacheData)                                \
    macro(vkMergePipelineCaches)                                 \
    macro(vkCreateGraphicsPipelines)                             \
    macro(vkCreateComputePipelines)                              \
    macro(vkDestroyPipeline)                                     \
    macro(vkCreatePipelineLayout)                                \
    macro(vkDestroyPipelineLayout)                               \
    macro(vkCreateSampler)                                       \
    macro(vkDestroySampler)                                      \
    macro(vkCreateDescriptorSetLayout)                           \
    macro(vkDestroyDescriptorSetLayout)                          \
    macro(vkCreateDescriptorPool)                                \
    macro(vkDestroyDescriptorPool)                               \
    macro(vkResetDescriptorPool)                                 \
    macro(vkAllocateDescriptorSets)                              \
    macro(vkFreeDescriptorSets)                                  \
    macro(vkUpdateDescriptorSets)                                \
    macro(vkCreateFramebuffer)                                   \
    macro(vkDestroyFramebuffer)                                  \
    macro(vkCreateRenderPass)                                    \
    macro(vkDestroyRenderPass)                                   \
    macro(vkGetRenderAreaGranularity)                            \
    macro(vkCreateCommandPool)                                   \
    macro(vkDestroyCommandPool)                                  \
    macro(vkResetCommandPool)                                    \
    macro(vkAllocateCommandBuffers)                              \
    macro(vkFreeCommandBuffers)                                  \
    macro(vkBeginCommandBuffer)                                  \
    macro(vkEndCommandBuffer)                                    \
    macro(vkResetCommandBuffer)                                  \
    macro(vkCmdBindPipeline)                                     \
    macro(vkCmdSetViewport)                                      \
    macro(vkCmdSetScissor)                                       \
    macro(vkCmdSetLineWidth)                                     \
    macro(vkCmdSetDepthBias)                                     \
    macro(vkCmdSetBlendConstants)                                \
    macro(vkCmdSetDepthBounds)                                   \
    macro(vkCmdSetStencilCompareMask)                            \
    macro(vkCmdSetStencilWriteMask)                              \
    macro(vkCmdSetStencilReference)                              \
    macro(vkCmdBindDescriptorSets)                               \
    macro(vkCmdBindIndexBuffer)                                  \
    macro(vkCmdBindVertexBuffers)                                \
    macro(vkCmdDraw)                                             \
    macro(vkCmdDrawIndexed)                                      \
    macro(vkCmdDrawIndirect)                                     \
    macro(vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect)                              \
    macro(vkCmdDispatch)                                         \
    macro(vkCmdDispatchIndirect)                                 \
    macro(vkCmdCopyBuffer)                                       \
    macro(vkCmdCopyImage)                                        \
    macro(vkCmdBlitImage)                                        \
    macro(vkCmdCopyBufferToImage)                                \
    macro(vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer)                                \
    macro(vkCmdUpdateBuffer)                                     \
    macro(vkCmdFillBuffer)                                       \
    macro(vkCmdClearColorImage)                                  \
    macro(vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage)                           \
    macro(vkCmdClearAttachments)                                 \
    macro(vkCmdResolveImage)                                     \
    macro(vkCmdSetEvent)                                         \
    macro(vkCmdResetEvent)                                       \
    macro(vkCmdWaitEvents)                                       \
    macro(vkCmdPipelineBarrier)                                  \
    macro(vkCmdBeginQuery)                                       \
    macro(vkCmdEndQuery)                                         \
    macro(vkCmdResetQueryPool)                                   \
    macro(vkCmdWriteTimestamp)                                   \
    macro(vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults)                             \
    macro(vkCmdPushConstants)                                    \
    macro(vkCmdBeginRenderPass)                                  \
    macro(vkCmdNextSubpass)                                      \
    macro(vkCmdEndRenderPass)                                    \

    macro(vkCreateSwapchainKHR)                                  \
    macro(vkDestroySwapchainKHR)                                 \
    macro(vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR)                               \
    macro(vkAcquireNextImageKHR)                                 \

#define APPLY_MACRO_TO_DEVICE_FUNCTIONS(macro)                   \
    APPLY_MACRO_TO_DEVICE_CORE_FUNCTIONS(macro)                  \

#define DEFINE_DEVICE_FUNCTION_MACRO(function)                   \
    PFN_##function function;

#define GET_DEVICE_FUNCTION_MACRO(function)                      \
    function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_##function>(instancePtr->GetDeviceProcAddr(mHandle, #function));


 This example shows how can you retrieves Vulkan device functions.

 Now you are ready to use Vulkan without static linking to Vulkan loader.


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